Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hating Rainy Days

by: Paul John Madera

In every hellos there are goodbyes.

This is indeed true,in life we will leave those people we love and we will be left in return too. There is no permanent thing in this world only the word "change". Even strong relationships will come to an end eventually.It's harsh but true indeed.

According to the Social Penetration Theory by Irwin Altman: "Every penetration corresponds withdrawal" quite funny but it is true. Time will come that you'll reach the point wherein you'll decide to withdraw from a relationship.

I hate rainy days literally and figuratively for rainy days blind human to behold the beauty of the nature, for rainy days make someone's life stagnant. Rainy days also brought tears to someone's eyes for rainy days are goodbyes and goodbyes are possibly meant to be forever.

But let us look to the positive side that eventually rainy days will stop, and a rainbow will prevail.Rainy days may be harsh but it's just a prelude of coming blessings.

Even though I hate rainy days, it is meant to occur naturally and all I have to do is to prepare a strong umbrella so that after it pours hard, I could still manage to smile and gaze the coming rainbow.